Episode 127: New Year, New Hopes… annnd They’re Gone

Jan 3, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 127: New Year, New Hopes… annnd They’re Gone



Happy New Year! 2023 kicks off right where 2022 left off: rampant government incompetence and malfeasance, with a dash of grandstanding from some of its worst actors like Congressman Kinzinger. The ATF doesn’t think you’re responsible with guns and wants to take them away, and they’re going to show you how right they are by being monumentally irresponsible/stupid with guns, then destroying the evidence of their crimes. Newly declassified CIA documents suggest stronger connections between it and JFK assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, than it has ever admitted to, but you’re the bad guy for asking follow-up questions. And, as Covid vaccination injuries mount, it’s only a matter of time before the Branch Covidians swear they knew the pharmaceutical industrial complex was up to no good the whole time. Let’s laugh (to keep from crying) our way through 2023.

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Anecdotals Movie: The Vaxx Nazis Would Like to Forget the Vaccine Injured Exist, We Need to Make Sure No One Ever Forgets Them – SHARE
Anecdotals (anecdotalsmovie.com)

ATF Set to Destroy Guns in “Fast and Furious” Scandal

“Fast and Furious” Scandal was Meant to Justify Further Gun Control

Newly Declassified CIA Documents Suggest Further Connection Between CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald

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