Episode 128: Trust Me; I’m from the Government

Jan 11, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 128: Trust Me; I’m from the Government



The new year is quickly reminding us that the more things change the more they stay the same. The Manichean temptation is alive and well in 2023. Whether one pretends that their justification for forced medical procedures was done out of love, and everyone else was motivated by evil, they embrace a platform infested with child pornography to escape “rich man bad,” or they become the very thing they swore to oppose because they aren’t getting their way, seeing the world as black and white leads to predictably poor behavior and conclusions. Perhaps nowhere was this more apparent this week than in the way RINO/Neocons like Patches McCain (Dan Crenshaw) treated and spoke about their Republican colleagues for holding out on the House Speaker vote for Kevin McCarthy. Patches is a repeat Manichean offender, getting worse by the day.

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Episode Show Notes



Democrats Flee Twitter for Competitor, Mastodon

Mastodon Has a Big Child Porn Problem

Study Links Distrust of Government with More Car Accidents

The Case for Wearing Masks Forever

In Case You Still Thought the Masks Did Anything
COVID Charts Quiz

Patches McCain (Dan Crenshaw) Wants Americans to Stay Ignorant of How Politicians Like Him Take Advantage of Them (WATCH)

Crenshaw Invokes Leftist Rhetorical Tactics to Attack Fellow Republicans Who Won’t Fall in Line Fast Enough and Vote for McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy’s Concessions to Obtain Enough House Speaker Votes

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