Episode 130: TDS: Still Alive and Well

Jan 25, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 130: TDS: Still Alive and Well



When the world is black and white, there is no room for careful consideration and/or nuance, you are either on the team or off it. This worldview (Manicheanism) was on display in several high profile stories this week. The cancel mob came for (clearly “evil”) Ivan Provorov for refusing to fly the rainbow colors. Chief Covid Cult propagandist, Leana Wen, admits something David and Dane discussed in real time throughout covid: that the covid deaths could be inflated because there were massive incentives to do so, and this (“evil” admission) drives CNN anchors nuts. Sam Harris continued to lose his shit, for the second time musing about the deaths of children so he can be validated in his Trump Derangement Syndrome and (“evil” vaxx refusers).

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Episode Show Notes



Ivan Provorov Gets in Trouble by the Cancel Mob for Refusing to Wear a Pride Jersey During Warm-ups

Chief Covid Cult Propagandist, Leana Wen, Admits Covid Deaths Were/Are Being Overcounted

CNN Anchors are Incredulous that Leana Wen Would Admit that Covid Deaths Are Inflated – WATCH (0:00 – 1:08)

In 2020 the Propaganda Rags Were Adamant that Excess Covid Deaths was a Myth

Sam Harris’ Tether to Reality Becomes More Tenuous as He Muses About Kids Dying More During Covid May Have Been Preferable (According to Harris, We Were “Unlucky” that was Not the Case)

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