Episode 131: Helter Skelter, But At Least Calories Don’t Count

Feb 2, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 131: Helter Skelter, But At Least Calories Don’t Count



They think you are stupid. Stupid enough to believe that diet, exercise, and proper sleep/stress management will have no impact if you “inherited” obesity. Stupid enough to believe that the FBI are the “good guys” even though their agents commit the very same (or worse) crimes as the trumped up charges they bring against others for doing. Stupid enough to believe that giving Congress a blank check by eliminating the debt ceiling entirely, won’t wind up in anything short of economic catastrophe. You may not be stupid enough to believe all, or any, of that, but far too many of our fellow citizens are. Share this episode and help wake them up.

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“Expert” Who Claims Obesity is Primarily Genetic is Tabbed to Serve on the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

FBI Official Who Investigated Trump’s Alleged Ties to Russian Oligarchs, Arrested for Money Laundering and Violating US Sanctions by Helping Russian Oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, Evade Penalties

Democrats Push to Eliminate the Debt Ceiling

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