Episode 149: Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone!

Jun 14, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 149: Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone!



Video game streamer, Nick Mercs, is canceled for daring to have the opinion that sexual orientation discussions belong between parents and their kids instead of students and bureaucrats on a school board. Meanwhile, Instagram is caught facilitating pedophilic behavior online for the crowd that is definitely not trying to indoctrinate your kids. Even the New York Times is starting to lose interest in the Ukraine war narrative because too many of the “good guys” are openly displaying their Nazi iconography. And, Trump is indicted… again… for the same crimes (or lesser) than regime insiders like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. If all this does not tell you that those in power despise you and everything you stand for, we don’t know what will.

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Instagram’s Algorithms Are Pushing Pedophilic Content and Linking Pedophiles with Each Other to Facilitate Transactions

The New York Times Begin to Question the Ukraine War Narrative in Light of Too Many Ukrainian Soldiers Being Openly Photographed While Displaying Nazi Iconography

Although “Respected” Media Sources Begin Blaming Russia for the Ukrainian Dam Break, They Just Begin Acknowledging that Russia Did Not Blow Up the Nordstream Pipeline, and Biden Knew it Ahead of Time

Forget the New Trump Indictment, What About the Biden Crime Family’s Bribery Scandal

Remember When CBS Reported that Emails on Hillary’s Private Server Were Classified ABOVE Top Secret? She Still Thinks Not Being Prosecuted for that is Evidence of Her Greatness and Innocence Rather than Her Corruption

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