Episode 198: No Accountability: Fauci and Wall Street

Ep. 198: No Accountability: Fauci and Wall Street




The infinite-headed hydra of elite unaccountability reared two more ugly heads recently in the form of Anthony Fauci and how Wall Street/financial media has been handling the recent rise in Game Stop stock (again). Even though Fauci plainly lied to Congress on multiple subjects and former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, just confirmed it, nothing has (or will) happened to him for facilitating the deaths of millions. With the reemergence of Roaring Kitty on X, Game Stop has seen more massive pops in its stock in recent weeks. According to financial media, of course this is all the “Apes” (retail investors) fault and Roaring Kitty is probably manipulating markets, but it definitely is not the consequence of Wall Street elites cheating and turning the stock market into a casino. The common theme here is: the world sucks, and it’s all your fault!

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Redfield Admits to Cuomo that Fauci was Misleading About Not Funding Gain of Function

SEC Chair Admits What We All Knew: Wall Street is Cheating Retail

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