Episode 200: Assange is Free and Chevron is Dead!

Ep. 200: Assange is Free and Chevron is Dead!



Hope springs eternal in the last week of June 2024. This week Julian Assange was finally freed from his 12-year-long unjustified imprisonment for daring to expose the lies and war crimes of the U.S. foreign policy intelligentsia. In a truly just world these people would be tried for their crimes, but for now, we will settle for righting the wrong of keeping Assange in prison for exposing their misdeeds to the world. Also this week, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a 40-year-old precedent known as “Chevron Deference” which eroded everything we were taught about how the system of checks and balances was supposed to keep the people safe from too much power being collected in one branch of government. Now legislators have to return to legislating more prudently, judges judging more wisely, and executive agency bureaucrats have to return to their place simply enforcing the law instead of making it up.

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