Episode 25: What is the Bailout Plan for My Bailout Check?

Jan 11, 2021 | Podcast

Ep. 25: What is the Bailout Plan for My Bailout Check?

Like clockwork, everyone is at each other’s throats again, this time about whether the next round of “bailout” checks from big daddy government is going to be $600 or $2,000. And, you’re never going to guess: the fault lines have been drawn based on nothing but party affiliation. Shocker, we know. Well, the whole debate is missing the major point of, who pays for it? Listen to this episode to avoid asking the wrong questions so you can have a shot at getting the right answer.

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Episode Show Notes

Who pays the national debt? We do.

“Why It Matters If the Dollar Is the Reserve Currency”

What your taxes really pay for: War. “The cost of the global war on terror: $6.4 trillion and 801,000 lives”

“How $10 Million for Gender Programs in Pakistan Got Tied to a COVID Relief Bill”

US Federal Tax Revenue by Year – Always Going Up

New Roaring 20s? – “The Private Debt Crisis” (private debt in the U.S. has tripled since 1950)

“Tracing ISIS’ Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US”

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