Episode 57: Afghanistan: The Experts Failed Again

Aug 23, 2021 | Podcast

Ep. 57: Afghanistan: The Experts Failed Again



If anyone tells you we are too rough on the lefties, and not on the righties, direct them here. The issue of war vs peace is fundamental to everything we are about, so we don’t mince words about what we think about neocons like Dan Crenshaw and his forever war apologetics nonsense. The recent Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster, and blame lies squarely at the feet of the D.C. foreign policy establishment.

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Episode Show Notes


“Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism” by Scott Horton

The D.C. Foreign Policy Always Blames us for their Mistakes

The Cost of Afghanistan has been Astronomical

The Afghanistan we were Creating is Nothing to be Proud of: Propping up Horrific Pedophiles

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (AOC of the right) Summarizes the Neocon Nonsense on War

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