Episode 86: I Know You Are But What Am I…ism

Mar 22, 2022 | Podcast

Ep. 86: I Know You Are But What Am I…ism


“Elections have consequences!” So, screeched the “blue no matter who” crowd all 2020 election cycle. But, now that their guy won, and the Biden administration is an endless parade of dumpster fires, they can’t retreat from that line fast enough. Perhaps nowhere is this hypocrisy more blatantly obvious than in their refusal to take blame (or credit) for skyrocketing gas prices. Biden himself wants to blame it all on Putin. But, for those of us with memories longer than that of a goldfish, we distinctly recall him openly campaigning on clamping down on domestic energy producers to appease the climate catastrophe gods, then delivering on much of that agenda once in office. Well, these are the consequences of those policies and something tells us Biden et al. will be paying for them come November 2022 and 2024, no matter how much they say it isn’t their fault.

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From net energy exporter for the first time in over 65 years in 2019, to unwilling reliant on imports just two years later. The energy consequences of Biden’s anti-fossil fuel policies

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