Episode 88: They’re From the Government and They Aren’t Here to Help

Apr 6, 2022 | Podcast

Ep. 88: They’re From the Government and They Aren’t Here to Help


Either government is hopelessly incompetent or maniacally evil, in either case it is unfit to exist in its current form. Few stories this week drove this point home more effectively than the magnitude of the Covid “Relief” Programs’ fraud and of Fauci perhaps running interference for Peter Daszak on the lab leak theory. Whatever you think the motivations are behind these events is up to you, but the facts on the ground are that these people should not be “leading” us.

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Covid Relief Fraud Was Way Bigger Than Expected

What Does $1 Trillion Look Like

Fauci May Have Shut Down The Lab Leak Theory To Help Peter Daszak

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Related Topics: corruption | Covid | fauci | Government | logic

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