Episode 116: Tell Your Kids…About Alex Jones

Oct 20, 2022 | Podcast

Ep. 116: Tell Your Kids…About Alex Jones



As far as the regime is concerned, consistency is NOT key. Harvard Children’s Hospital has claimed that even fetuses know they are transgender, despite the fact that many “experts” at that establishment also likely believe that those same fetuses are nothing more than a disposable clump of cells. Although Florida continues to fight the good fight for medical freedom, big pharma and their “fact checking” mouthpieces can’t keep their story straight about whether their vaccines stopped Covid or not. Finally, in the biggest inconsistency of all, the Alex Jones kangaroo court, show trial that resulted in an absurd nearly $1 billion award to Sandy Hook families is all the proof you need that hallmarks of western societies for over 800 years, like due process, are dead and gone if you run afoul of the regime. But, who needs consistency or principles when you are full-blown 1984 making it up as you go along and can jail or cancel anyone who calls you out on it?

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Harvard Children’s Hospital Claims Fetuses Know They Are Transgender
Harvard hospital claims babies know in the WOMB if they are transgender | Daily Mail Online

Florida Department of Health Recommends Against Mrna Vaccines for Men Aged 18-39

Pfizer Executive Admits to EU that Pfizer Did Not Even Test Whether Their Vaccine Prevented Covid Transmission

Reuter’s “Fact Check” Plays Word Salad With Recent Pfizer Admission

Alex Jones is Ordered to Pay Sandy Hook Families Almost $1B After Kangaroo Court Show Trials
Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Nearly $1 Billion To Sandy Hook Parents (msn.com)

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