Episode 120: Black Sheep, Blue Strokes, & Red Trickles

Nov 19, 2022 | Podcast

Ep. 120: Black Sheep, Blue Strokes, & Red Trickles



Add a few more things to the list, along with death and taxes, that you can count on in life. Every 2-4 years: (1) the election is “the most important of our lifetimes” (it never is); (2) libertarians and their “Schrodinger votes” are to blame for whoever loses; (3) nonsense prevails over common sense; and (4) things will get progressively worse. In this episode we break down the insanity that was the 2022 mid-term elections, give a glimmer of what might have been had better decisions been made in 2008, and warn of what will continue to worsen so long as the voters’ “rational ignorance” is not addressed, and the victims of the state’s indoctrination system vote in increasingly larger numbers in upcoming elections. Buckle up folks, the ride down is going to get bumpy.

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Episode Show Notes



Former Democratic Senator, Mike Gravel, Talks Sense to Democratic Voters During the 2008 Primaries While the Establishment Choices Laugh About Their War Crimes (2:41-3:25)

Ron Paul’s “Giuliani moment” in the 2008 Republican Primary (0:18-1:58)

John Fetterman Can’t Talk: Celebrates the “Demise of Roe v. Wade” then Gets Roe Supporters to Overwhelmingly Vote for Him
Brain Damaged John Fetterman Celebrates Demise of Roe v. Wade – The Crowds Reaction Says It All (Video) (defiantamerica.com)

2022 was the Most Expensive Mid-Term Election Ever
Federal and state spending on 2022 elections set to top $16.7 billion, making them the most expensive midterms ever (msn.com)

Gen Z Saved the Democrats in 2022
‘Thank you Gen Z!’ How young voters saved the Democrats (yahoo.com)

Stacey Abrams and Beto O’Rourke Lose Again
Stacey Abrams, Beto O’Rourke lose… again (yahoo.com)

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