Episode 139: Did They Finally Nail the Teflon Don?

Apr 7, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 139: Did They Finally Nail the Teflon Don?



It’s a clown world out there. Honk honk, folks! Sharing GIFs or other media featuring minorities, in particular black individuals, will get you labeled a “racist” for engaging in “digital blackface” if you happen to be white because judging people by the color of their skin is definitely not racist, apparently. The recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee is exposing total immorality on the left and the complete lack of principles on the right. Using Tiktok as the Trojan Horse, opportunistic government cretins want more control over your life with passage of the RESTRICT Act, but not on Rand Paul’s watch. Finally, the sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome are out and proud about their sprint to the bottom of banana republicanism as they further weaponize the judicial system against Trump and his political allies. This will not end well for any of us.

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Sharing media featuring black individuals by white individuals is “racist,” “digital blackface”

The RESTRICT Act aims to complete eliminate privacy, peer into every device connected to the internet, and jail you if you try to get around it

Rand Paul stands against his own party, and most everyone else, in opposing the Senate version of the RESTRICT legislation

Some Tiktok users just discovered that Rand Paul is a principled, based proponent of traditional American values like free speech

Trump indictment. They’re proud of their witch hunt.

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