Episode 148: Wake Up!

Jun 7, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 148: Wake Up!



Tom Morello outs himself as a Nazi/fascist and Twitter leftist droolers cheer him on. Billie Eilish takes heat for having the audacity to dress like a woman and learns the hard way why all sane people refuse to negotiate with the cancel mob terrorists. Biden Climate Czar, John Kerry, says the U.S. government is leaving open the possibility of confiscating the property of American farmers if their operations do not fall in line with the climate catastrophe cultists’ wildest demands. So, much for national sovereignty and property rights in the “Land of the Free.” Feckless Republicans fail—or refuse—to actually be fiscally responsible and hold tax and spend Democrats’ feet to the fiscal fire. Off the cliff we go!

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Billie Eilish getting dragged for dressing feminine

Biden’s “Climate Czar” John Kerry Leaves Confiscating Small, Family Farms on the Table if They Don’t Fall in Line with UN/WEF Climate Change Goals

The Climate Catastrophe Propaganda Did Not Begin Overnight

Republicans Fail On Debt Ceiling Negotiations… Again
Republicans Fail on the Debt Ceiling in 2023 | Mises Wire

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