Episode 159: A Libertarian Force Awakens

Aug 24, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 159: A Libertarian Force Awakens



Cracks in the statist dam are beginning to show. The dual memes of “every disaster is the fault of climate change” and “the government will fix everything when disaster strikes” are in full collapse thanks to the callousness and incompetence of the government response to the Hawaii fires. The “Rich Men North of Richmond” song is a viral sensation and is breaking down all the false barriers between “We the People” and unifying us against our common enemy, the parasites that run the state, to predictable outrage by those who thrive off our division. Drs. Fauci and Collins were major beneficiaries of big pharma paychecks and the Japan vaccine numbers provide more evidence that the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along. And, Argentina looks poised to elect the first ever libertarian candidate for president, Javier Milei, on the back of his message that he will abolish Argentina’s central bank, dollarize the Argentine economy, and eliminate roughly 80% of the government. It looks like people all over the world have finally had enough of their collectivist overlords and are ready to take the action necessary to terminate them.

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Episode Show Notes


Hawaii Fires Look to Be Caused by Poor Maintenance of Trees Around Critical Infrastructure… Not cLiMATe cHanGe

Prepare for a Government Backed Land Grab in Hawaii as Governor Says State Will Buy Destroyed Land

Elites HATE “Rich Men North of Richmond”

Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” is Cutting Across All Divides… See for Yourself

Drs. Fauci and Collins Received 58 Vaccine Royalty Payments from Big Pharma

“Pandemic of the Vaccinated” – Expose Report

Japanese Dr. Sues Government for More Accurate Data on Why All Cause Deaths Are Skyrocketing in Japan After 83% Vaccine Uptake by the Citizens

Libertarian Candidate is Leading Argentina Presidential Elections


Mainstream Media is Attacking Javier Milei as “Far-Right” and Calling Him Any Other Name They Can Come Up With


In Addition to Abolishing Aregentina’s Central Bank, Javier Milei Would Be Great for Bitcoin in Argentina

Javier Milei in His Own Words (You Definitely Want to See and Hear This!)


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