Episode 160: We Should Start a Union, Bro!

Aug 31, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 160: We Should Start a Union, Bro!



If there’s one thing we can count on from our brothers and sisters on the left, it’s that if they even stumble upon identifying a problem, they will always get the proposed solution wrong. Case in point: Billy Bragg responds to Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” by blaming every rich person for the working man’s plight, cuz reasons, while suggesting that unionizing will fix everything. Anticipating another DC Comics movie flop, and rather than taking any accountability for their shitty writing, Hollywood talking heads suggest you might be racist if you don’t go out and support “Blue Bettle” because lack of revenue could reduce the number of Latino actors in future films. The lizard people in Congress try to shame the few good ones among them by bundling more money for Ukraine in the same bill to provide disaster relief for Maui. And, on the back of self-serving actions like that, Chris Christie and his ilk just can’t figure out why they are so universally despised.

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Episode Show Notes


Billy Bragg “Responds” (aka Writes/Performs Incredibly Shitty Leftist Screed) to Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond”


Song… If You Dare

Congressional Leaders Bundle Maui Relief with Additional Ukraine Funding to Shame/Coerce Ukraine Holdouts Into Green Lighting More Money to Ukraine

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