Episode 179: Texit

Ep. 179: Texit



A crisis is brewing at the U.S. Southern Border in Texas. Texas feels that the federal government—the Biden regime in particular—has been derelict in its duty to enforce federal immigration laws on the books and protect U.S. States from the risks associated with massive illegal immigration. Notwithstanding all three branches of the federal leviathan being in agreement that Texas just has to roll over and take the consequences of Washington D.C.’s failures, Texas is not taking it anymore, and is openly violating a recent Supreme Court ruling and Joe Biden’s demands that Texas allow his jackbooted thugs to enter Texas and cut down Texas’ measures to stem the tide of the illegal influx of migrants. As talk of secession and conflict between State National Guards and federal troops intensifies over the issue, a potential “Constitutional crisis” is coming to a head. As usual, Biden and his lackeys, like Adam (Cuck)zinger, are posturing, making veiled threats supported by nothing resembling the rule of law or the United States’ Constitutional order, so we set the record straight on all intersecting topics on this issue so the enemies of freedom don’t get away with manufacturing another baseless narrative.

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