Episode 192: Bears, Beats, and The Endless Power Grab of the Elites

Bears, Beats and The Endless Power Grab of the Elites [Episode 192]

Ep. 192: Bears, Beats, and The Endless Power Grab of the Elites




As evermore irrelevant wedges are driven between us, while the elite (those driving the wedges) continue their endless power grab, it becomes increasingly obvious that the death of critical thinking has been a front and center reason for why the divide and conquer strategy never fails. On the one hand, we have femnazis (and their soy-drunk male apologists) extolling the virtues of bears over men when it comes to who they would rather encounter alone in the woods. On the other, we have pro-Palestine campus protestors doing everything they can to be the absolute worst advocates for their own cause—which is a valid anti-war one, by the way, but the way they conduct themselves makes it exceedingly difficult to fully support them. As both ignorantly fail to see the bigger picture, the powerful elites that rule them (and the rest of us) are enjoying their nice, leisurely march toward tyranny.

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Bear vs Man: The Collective Brain Rot of a Hopelessly Divided Society is On Full, Proud Display
Why Do Women Choose To Be Stuck With A Bear Over A Man In The Woods? Debate Over Hypothetical Question Explained | Know Your Meme

Pro-Palestine Campus Protests Around the World
Mapping pro-Palestine college campus protests around the world | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

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