Episode 209: The Experts Are Making You Dumber: Stop Trusting Them

Ep. 209: The Experts Are Making You Dumber: Stop Trusting Them



The US Department of Health and Human Services admitted recently that fluoride can lower your IQ, so not surprisingly, a recent study found that young adults tend to find information from “expert” sources are more reliable. In other words, the same experts you’re supposed to blindly trust in all things will literally make you dumber so it is harder to flex your critical thinking muscles and question their authority. This is a major meme underlying the unchecked growth of the managerial class so we take it on and destroy it for the betterment of mankind.

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The US Department of Health and Human Services Admits that Fluoride Can Lower Your IQ
Fluoride at twice the recommended limit linked to lower IQ in kids | AP News

Study Finds that Experts Have High Credibility Among Young Adults
Study finds experts have high credibility among young adults in social media health campaigns (medicalxpress.com)

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Related Topics: Experts | Fluoride | IQ | meme destruction

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