Episode 210: Empress Kackles Thinks Free Speech is a “Privilege”: Wants X Shut Down

Ep. 210: Empress Kackles Thinks Free Speech is a “Privilege”: Wants X Shut Down



A few days ago a fellow Sane Spacer had several comments on one of our YouTube videos nuked for the mere mention of the name “Sam Francis.” We break down the real reason the regime and its thought/speech police are so threatened by Francis, and discuss the obvious double standard at play when they express outrage over their fake excuse for why he’s censored while ignoring the very same behavior on the part of their favored classes/people. We also discuss Kamala Harris’s recent comments about free speech being a “privilege” and wanting to rein in Elon Musk and X because they’ve “abused that privilege,” and what this means for all of us if she’s allowed to assume the position of Empress Kackles.

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The Fake Reason They Hate/Censor Sam Francis

The Real Reason
Francis conceived of politics primarily in terms of power. He argued that a managerial class—bureaucrats whose dominance of technical knowledge and jargon gave them the keys to powerful organizations, corporations, and ultimately the state—had seized power since the Progressive Era. According to Francis, the managerial regime set forth a liberal ideology to justify and reinforce their dominance and corrode right-wing institutions. Underpinning the managerial regime, Francis thought, was an alliance between regime elites and an underclass paid off by the state with wealth robbed from the middle.

Francis wrote these words decades ago. As we sit here today with a near permanent bureaucracy, that none of us ever have or will get to vote for, which is the primary ruler of every minute detail of our lives as made evident by the fact that despite changing elected parties/politicians, government policy only ever moves in the direction of increasing state power while acting in direct contradiction to the interests of the electorate, it should be clear to any rational/objective observer that Francis was more prophet than pariah on this point. Those wielding this power hate Francis for forbidden thoughts like these, but unwilling or unable to refute them, they fall back on the tried and true “racism!” refrain, in the hopes you’ll ignore the entirety of his thought just because he held other uncomfortable views.

Kamala Harris Thinks Free Speech is a “Privilege” and Wants X Shut Down

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