Support the WMD Podcast

WMD is not possible without the support of our community of Memies. Whether you support the show by sharing with friends and family, with a monthly membership, or simply by starting your online shopping here, by clicking through to your site of choice with our affiliate links, we cannot thank you enough for making meme destruction possible.

Congratulations! You’re trending! What does that mean? We pay more attention to you. For $5/mo, not only do you get the warm feeling of knowing that you are helping us help build a better world but you also get:

1) Access to our private Facebook page.

Congratualtions! You’re more than trending, you’re Hot! What does that mean? We pay even more attention to you. For $10/mo, you get the same warm and fuzzies inside, but you also get:

1) Access to our private Facebook page.

2) Access to exclusive content not released anywhere else.

Congratualtions! You’re the dankest memie in the whole damn meme army! For $15/mo, you get love, affection, connection, and coin… you save lots of coin:

1) Access to our private Facebook page.

2) Access to exclusive content not released anywhere else.

3) A special code to enter for exclusive discounts on everything WMD related (merchandise, tickets to live events, etc.)

If you like what we do and want to support the show but you are not ready for a monthly commitment right now, we would still appreciate a one-time donation of any amount you are comfortable with. Every dollar helps us keep spreading the message of liberty one destroyed meme at a time.