Episode 164: They Came for Russell Brand, and You Said Nothing

Sep 28, 2023 | Podcast

Ep. 164: They Came for Russell Brand, and You Said Nothing



Government in both Chicago and Canada does what government does best: creates a problem, pretends to offer a solution to that problem, fake solution makes the problem worse. Rinse and repeat. The U.S. Senate’s recent abandonment of its dress code rules to accommodate John Fetterman’s hobo look is perhaps the best real-world example of the “Emperor having no clothes” we’ve ever seen. In other “your government hates you” news, career parasite, Senator Bob Menendez, assumes the role of every cartoon character bank robber as he accepts as payment for bribes, gold bars and wads of cash, stuffed into envelopes with his name on them, stuffed in jacket pockets… his SECOND time being charged with such an offense. Rusell Brand finds himself in the crosshairs of the establishment and its mainstream media mouthpieces, as they attempt to take him down with decade-old, anonymous, spurious sexual assault allegations because he refuses to mindlessly regurgitate the regime’s talking points on important subjects of the day.

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Chicago Mayor Says the City Will Run Government Grocery Stores After Its Soft on Crime Policies Left Communities and Businesses Defenseless Causing Grocers to Flee Areas of the City

Canadian Castro (Trudeau) Threatens Grocers with Increased Taxes Because Their Prices Are Too High, Completely Ignoring that His Policies Caused the Inflation

U.S. Senate Drops Dress Code Requirements to Accommodate Lurch (John Fetterman)

U.S. Senator, Bob Menendez, is Indicted on Bribery Charges for a Second Time

Mainstream Rag, The Independent, Proves Demonstrates Why Everyone Hates Them with Obviously False Attempted Hit Piece on Russell Brand

Katharine McPhee Shoots Down Attempt to Use Her 2013 Experience with Russell Brand to Prove Sexual Assault Allegations Against Him, Calling His Actions “Harmless”

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