Episode 184: Country Folk Threaten Democracy

Ep. 184: Country Folk Threaten Democracy




The increasing belligerence, irrationality, and paranoia of the regime’s leaders suggest that the regime is in its death throes. The belligerence was on full display in Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union address, which favored vitriol over even bothering to mention the real, every day issues the average American faces as a consequence of his failing policies. Regime apparatchiks’ irrationality pours out every time they open their mouths, or set pen to paper, when they mention a figure like Javier Millei, likening him to the “fascist” boogeymen of the past. Suffice to say, these people are not impressive people. As for paranoia, it does not get much more paranoid than to suggest the lowest crime, highest productivity segment of the population (white, rural Christians) is the biggest threat to “democracy” that America faces. Maybe, just maybe that group’s self-sufficiency is the regime’s biggest threat because that group is the most ready, willing, and able to shrug off any attempted tyranny and prove to everyone else too afraid or dependent to do so, that we will be just fine without our masters.

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Episode Show Notes


The Javier Millei Effect: Eliminating Government Power is “Fascism”

White, Rural Voters are the Biggest Threats to Democracy

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